Fili, Inc. is proudly supporting events to help our cause.
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If you missed the event or would like to hear our speakers again, our video is available on the Fili, Inc YouTube channel.
Our speakers will talk about their participation in the battle to fight this age old issue in our society:
His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, Ecumenical Patriarchate’s coordinator of the Patriarchal Task Force on Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery
Sister Nektaria Paradisi, symbol of the eternal fight against poverty, illiteracy, child trafficking and prostitution in Kolkata India who runs an orphanage and outreach programs in Kolkata and the surrounding areas
Laurel Botsford, DrAcu, Founder, President, CEO of Wisdom International: Help2Others.
To give a tax deductible donation towards this effort: https://missions-ministry-square.square.site/
For information about:
a. the work of Sr. Nectaria and the outreaches in India please go to:  www.fili-inc.com.
b. about Wisdom International please go to www.wisdominternational.org
We thank you for your support.  If you have any questions please contact us at missions@saintnicholas.org